career Archives - SoftUni Global Learn Programming and Start a Developer Job Thu, 05 Jan 2023 11:33:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 career Archives - SoftUni Global 32 32 Why to Choose to Become a Programmer? Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:51:00 +0000 One of the biggest and most important decisions we make in our lives is choosing our profession. This decision is important not only because of the financial opportunities it provides us but also for the people in our surroundings and for our happiness and satisfaction.No matter if you already have chosen your path or you …

Why to Choose to Become a Programmer? Read More »

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One of the biggest and most important decisions we make in our lives is choosing our profession. This decision is important not only because of the financial opportunities it provides us but also for the people in our surroundings and for our happiness and satisfaction.
No matter if you already have chosen your path or you are still looking for your future career, one of the best things you can invest your time in, is the profession of a programmer. You wonder why? Here are some of the reasons:
One of the rapidly developing industries so far is the IT sector. Why is that? Well, because every economical department needs software: car maintenance, elevators, refrigerators. Moreover, the software is used in finances, accounting offices, schools, medical institutions, universities, etc. We can go on forever. Don’t forget the household needs, we are surrounded by technologies, which require software. Of course, this need for software reveals many new slots and new opportunities and that need leads to a rapid boost in the IT sector.

Various Paths

Tourism, marketing, art, education, finances…the variety of paths for software developers is huge. No industry will be able to function without its software developers.
And if you get tired of web development, you can start making mobile applications. If you don’t want to create games with C# or C++, you can start learning cyber security, software architecture, or optimization.

Flexible Working Time and A Remote Job

A remote job is something that is frequently seen, not only abroad, but also here in Bulgaria. Most developers don’t need to be 24/7 in the office, they can do their job wherever they are: in the park, in the coffee shop down the street, co-working space, lounge bar. Since it is not obligatory to work in an office, you can complete your tasks whenever you want throughout the day – early in the morning with a cup of coffee, or at night when most people have already fallen asleep. The most important thing is that you complete your tasks on time. This way you not only save time by not having to walk to the office, but it also gives you an opportunity to choose to work at times you feel most productive throughout the day.

Payment Above The Average

Let me tell you straight: when talking about programming every one of us is kind of aware of the attractive reward and the fast and unlimited opportunities in the IT sector. It is not right, however, to look at the payment as your only motivation. A real programmer is mostly driven by his interest in solving all the problems that he encounters, and the good payment comes as a reward for his great work. Behind that excellent reward hide many many hours, days even years of hard work and self-improvement.
Moreover, it is very important to have the ability to work properly, meaning to be able to think and make decisions under stress and complete your task in limited periods of time. Exactly that ability to successfully solve problems, no matter the harsh circumstances, is what leads to the lack of worthy programmers and if you are educated and literate in your technology, all companies would pay you enough, so you would never think about leaving.

Opportunities for Growth

“IT sector” is a wide definition. This industry combines within itself an endless amount of opportunities – not only for “programmatically” thinking people, who like mathematics but also for people who are interested in the outside look of products and their marketing. If you consider yourself from the first type: you can try developing your programming skills by learning C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python. They are extremely popular these days and many companies need those kinds of people who are familiar with these technologies.

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Beginner’s Guide: A career in the IT industry Wed, 01 Jul 2020 15:18:00 +0000 In order to get a good orientation on your career path, it’s important to know what opportunities the industry you are targeting offers. The IT industry, not only in Bulgaria but globally, at the moment, is in a big upswing, thousands of newly trained professionals are needed and the shortage on a global scale is …

Beginner’s Guide: A career in the IT industry Read More »

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In order to get a good orientation on your career path, it’s important to know what opportunities the industry you are targeting offers. The IT industry, not only in Bulgaria but globally, at the moment, is in a big upswing, thousands of newly trained professionals are needed and the shortage on a global scale is calculated to be in the millions. But how can we find our place in this dynamic sphere? What opportunities are revealed to novice developers?

The various professions in the software industry

Programmer / Software Developer – in simple terms, programmers or developers are people, who create software by writing programming code. For a person to develop and experience the pleasure of working, it is necessary to constantly learn and be interested in the latest technologies. Software developers need to combine excellent technical knowledge with logical thinking, a certain amount of creativity, and a lot of curiosity because of the constantly emerging technologies. It is important to note that the software developer does not just write commands, but also builds architectures, foresees potential problems, and works in a team, where the term software engineer originates from.

This profession is divided into many paths you can take. For example, you can choose:

  • Front-end developer – these specialists take care of what a web site / web app looks like – what users see and how they interact with the page and its content. Most often they have excellent knowledge in technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Back-end developer – the back-end of a web page or application consists of various parts – server logic, databases and much more. Back-end developers who deal with these technologies have excellent knowledge in programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python.

  • Developer of mobile applications – as implied by the name of the profession, these software engineers create software (applications) for devices like smartphones and tablets. Specifically, they can deal with Android apps (using mostly the Java programming language) for iPhone / iPad (with Objective-C or Swift), Windows (with C #), and others.

  • Embedded Developer – Representatives of this profession are engaged in development of software for embedded systems. In their work, they often have to consider the limitations of the hardware  they write code for. It is important to have knowledge of C / C ++, data structures, algorithms, Linux, Perl / Python – depending on the specific projects they are working on.
  • Other possible areas of development: desktop applications, video games, and so on.
  • QA Engineer – they are an important part of the software development process. Essentially, QA engineers are engaged in testing and finding bugs / issues on web sites, applications and others. As their name suggests (QA = quality assurance), they take care of software quality. Part of their tasks are monitoring and improving the quality process, conducting a test plan, definition and implementation of test scenarios, analysis, reporting and documenting results.
  • Technical support – these specialists help the end users or employees of the company they work for, in case of problems and need of help with computers, software programs or hardware. This profession is often the first step for people with interest in a career in the software industry. They are required to have good knowledge not only in computer software, but also hardware, and the ability to quickly cope with problems, and work with clients.

Starting internship and work

At the Software University, one of our main goals is to help our students get started with a career in the IT industry. For this reason, we also have a career center that is entirely focused on the professional realization of all its students. The Career Center aims to help students make the most of their potential by developing not only their technical skills but also additional personal qualities. This results in successful collaboration and the building of solid relationships with our students and business partners. The Career Center has partnered with some of the best, successful, and fast growing companies in the country. This offers a vast array of opportunities and pathways to development in each direction of the technological sector.

The post Beginner’s Guide: A career in the IT industry appeared first on SoftUni Global.
