Java Archives - SoftUni Global Learn Programming and Start a Developer Job Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:24:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Java Archives - SoftUni Global 32 32 Java or Kotlin – What Is Better for Android Development? Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:24:52 +0000 In this article, we examine the differences between Java and Kotlin and their strengths and weaknesses to help you make a decision when choosing a programming language for Android development.

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When it comes to Android development, two of the most popular programming languages are Java and Kotlin. While Kotlin, which was released in 2011, is still being developed, Java has been around since 1995 and is open source, making it one of the most widely used languages. However, Kotlin has been taking off since 2017 when Google included it as an official Android development language along with Java.

If you’re new to Android development, the question of whether to use Kotlin or Java will probably not be on your mind at first. You will most likely opt to use Java until you become more familiar with the platform and decide what language would better suit your needs. But once you start becoming more confident with your Android development skills, choosing between Kotlin and Java will be a bit more difficult as both languages have some advantages and drawbacks, which we will examine in this article.


Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used for a wide range of purposes. It is platform-independent and object-oriented. Platform independency is possible since the language uses byte-code and once compiled, the code can be run on any machine irrespective of its operating system. Also, using the principles of object-oriented programming increases the flexibility and reusability of the code.


Java does not use explicit pointers. This means that developers can not access the memory directly from the code. Also, programs are executed inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), providing additional security to the code. If an unauthorized method tries to access a private variable, the program fails to compile and prevents the system from a crash.

Java is widely used and has a large community of developers who are continuously creating new libraries and tools to make development easier. Moreover, Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development, is based on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA, which also supports Java development.


Kotlin is a new language developed by JetBrains. It is a statically typed programming language. Just like Java, it uses byte-code which can be executed on the JVM. It can also be compiled into JavaScript. It has intuitive, easy-to-learn syntax. 


Kotlin is compatible with Java and can be used alongside existing Java code. In fact, its purpose is to interoperate with code written in Java and improve it while using Java libraries and frameworks. This leads to reducing the boilerplate code, making it simpler, easier to read and understand, and safer in terms of potential bugs. Moreover, you can write Gradle code in Kotlin, allowing you to build iOS applications.

Kotlin is concise and expressive, meaning that you can write less code to accomplish the same task. This can lead to fewer errors and a faster development process overall. An example of reducing the boilerplate code is using the Data Classes.
You can see a side-by-side comparison of code written in Java and in Kotlin on the graphic below.


Kotlin has null safety built-in, which eliminates the risk of NullPointerException (NPE) errors since it fails to compile whenever an NPE may be thrown. It also supports higher-order functions, lambda expressions, and operator overloading, making the language a combination of functional and procedural programming.

Although it is a new language, it is gaining a lot of popularity in the development community. However, there are still some drawbacks to using Kotlin for Android development. The language is not yet as widely adopted as Java. This means that the learning resources are limited. Also, the community of Kotlin users is smaller so finding help and support, or experienced developers for your business may be more difficult. 


Kotlin and Java are both great options for Android development. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses that should be considered. Kotlin is a younger language, but it has many features that make it a great choice for developers. However, the concepts of Android SDK are based on Java so learning the basics might be useful. Moreover, it is still the most popular language for Android development and additional knowledge would definitely will be an advantage to you.

The answer to the question “Java or Kotlin?” depends on your preferences and what you are looking for in a programming language. One thing is certain – learning both will benefit you by expanding your tech stack and improving your coding abilities.

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Java Foundations Certification: Full Course (30-Hour Free Video Tutorial + 55 Exercises) Thu, 16 Dec 2021 01:21:00 +0000 Become a confident Java developer and get certified as a Java professional!

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We are happy to announce our Java Foundation Full Course! This 30-hour Java training is completely free, and it will teach you the major concepts of Java Programming! It focuses on building practical skills through 55 hands-on exercises. Keep up with the videos, and you will learn:

  • 🎯 Things good programmers should know (not just how to code).
  • 🎯 Some best practice development techniques.
  • 🎯 Skills in Java to use for the rest of your career.
  • 🎯 Master design principles, best practices, and coding conventions for writing.

Join Svetlin Nakov and George Georgiev, who are experienced programming instructors.  Svetlin helped more than 150 000 students to begin coding, learn software development and start a tech job, while George is a senior Java developer and award winner. 🥇 This majestic duo will answer all your questions and problems.🤩

All these topics are essential to your further development as a software engineer. So, make sure to solve the hands-on exercises in addition to this video. ⌨🖱 If you have no prior programming experience, just watch our programming basics course with Java. [Full Java Basics Course]

This foundation course is split into three parts. Each part covers main topics that you shouldn’t skip. We cover everything from the basics of programming to advanced features.

In our first video, you will learn:

  • 🏁 Brief Introduction to Java – Java syntax, comparison operators, logical operators, loops, and debugging.
  • 💾Data Types and Variables – Learn data types, such as integers, real numbers, type conversions, Boolean, character, and string types.
  • 🗃 Arrays – How to read an array from the console, process arrays, use the for-each loop, print arrays, and simple array algorithms.
  • 📌 Methods – Declaring and invoking methods, parameters, values versus reference types, and method overloading.

Exercises are essential for your development as a programmer. Solve the exercises problems, in addition to this video. That is the only way to master the skill of coding.

In our second video, we will look at:

  • 📋 Lists – Reading, printing, and processing lists. You will learn how to sort lists and arrays.
  • 🖊 Text Processing – Working with strings, printing, and processing text in Java.
  • 🗂 Associative Arrays – Maps, HashMap, Lambda functions, filtering, and processing sequences and maps.
  • 🧱 Objects and Classes – Private and public properties, getters, setters, constructors, etc.

Remember that programming requires patience and a lot of trial and error. As the final video goes, we will look at some essential concepts and topics.

In it, you will learn:

  • 🏠 Defining Classes – Constructors, Properties, and other main building blocks of every class.
  • 📜 Principles of OOP – The four pillars of Object-Oriented Programming.
  • 🧰 Exception Handling – Exceptions, Errors, and using the “try-catch-finally” block.
  • ⚙ Java API Classes – Math, Random, Formatter, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and work with dates.

Earn Java Certification! 🎖After watching this course, you will be ready for the official exam from Oracle – Java Foundations 1Z0-811. This exam is also version-independent and will be valid forever🤩 Certification offers recognition and is proof of career growth. Become a Computer Programmer and start your career!

Learn Java from Zero to Hero! Stop waiting and start your journey today. For this course, you will solve as many as 50 coding exercises to practice your new skills.

Lesson Topics

In this first video we review the following topics:
  • Java Syntax
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Data Types
  • Arrays
  • Methods

In the second part you will learn the following topics:

  • Lists
  • Maps
  • Lambda expressions
  • Stream API
  • Classes
  • Objects

In the final video, we look at:

  • Defining Classes
  • OOP
  • Principles
  • Exceptions
  • Basic Java API

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Descriptions

Lesson Slides

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[13/13] Java Foundations Certification: JDK and JRE Fri, 10 Dec 2021 17:02:00 +0000 Prepare for your “Java Foundations” official exam by untangling the differences between JDK and JRE. Learn what java and javac are.

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In this bonus lesson, we continue with the Java Foundations Tutorial. That is the thirteenth part of this series, and if you want to see the complete list of lessons, you can do it here.

diagram-javaWe cannot start explaining the difference between JRE and JDK without also explaining JVM. JVM or Java Virtual Machine simply helps to execute programs on our devices. It provides an environment to run the programs. JVM requires libraries and files for code execution, and these files are presented in JRE. We can have different JRE versions for different platforms. They are all platform-dependent.

JRE = set of libraries + JVM

JDK or Java Development Kit is a full-featured development kit. It has all development tool that we might require for creating java programs. jdk-installJDK contains the following tools:
  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  2. Interpreter
  3. Compiler (javac)
  4. Archiver (jar)
  5. Documentation generator (javadoc)

If you want to run your program you will need to use java or javac commands. The javac command is used to compile Java programs, it takes .java file as input and produces bytecode. On the other hand, the java command is used to execute the bytecode of java. It takes byte code as input and runs it and produces the output.

In conclusion, if you want to run the java or JVM-based code, then JRE is required. But if you want to develop Java and JVM-based programs, then JDK is required. Depending on your needs you will use javac and java commands.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. What is Java?

2. JDK and JRE 

3. Java and Javac

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Lesson Slides

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[12/13] Java Foundations Certification: Java API Classes Thu, 09 Dec 2021 17:02:13 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! Prepare for your “Java Foundations” official exam by learning some of the most commonly used Java API Classes.

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In the current lesson, we take a closer look at the most frequently used Java API classes. Svetlin Nakov will explain all about the Math class, how to generate random numbers, the need for BigInteger and BigDecimal in programming, and how to work with date and time in Java. We will also look at two of the main Java classesArrays and Formatter.

The Math class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations, such as round, min, max, abs, ceil, etc.. The Arrays class contains various methods which facilitate array manipulation. String.format() allows us to return the formatted string by given locale, format, and arguments.

In this lesson you will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned! That’s the only way to grasp the concept at hand.

BigInteger and BigDecimal are used for handling large and small numbers with great precision. BigInteger will throw an exception when the result is out of range. BigDecimal gives the user complete control over the rounding behavior. 

Importing a single package allows us to work with the date and time API.
In this lesson you will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned! 

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video. If you still have questions, we’re always here to help! 

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. The Judge System

  • The Exception class 
  • Types of exceptions and their hierarchy

2. The Math Class

3. The Random Class

4. The Arrays Class

  • Methods of the Arrays Class 
  • Example of Sorting an Array 

5. String Formatter

6. BigInteger and BigDecimal

7. Java Date and Time


Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[11/13] Java Foundations Certification: Exception Handling Thu, 02 Dec 2021 10:21:20 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! Learn all about handling exceptions in your code!

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In the current lesson, we take a close look at exception handling and why it’s important in software engineering.

What are exceptions? We’ve all seen one, there is no way to write completely bug-free code. In short an exception is a problem that arises during the execution of the program

Exceptions simplify code construction and maintenance and allow problematic situations to be processed at multiple levels.

In Java exceptions are objects. The base for all exceptions is the Throwable class – it contains information about the cause of the exception, its description, and the stack trace.

There are two types of exceptionschecked (also known as compile-time exceptions), and unchecked (also known as runtime exceptions).

Exceptions can be handled by the try-catch construction. The try-finally block is also used, especially when we want to ensure the execution of a given block of code. 

To raise an exception, we use the throw keyword. When an exception is thrown the program execution stops, and the execution travels over the stack until a matching catch block is reached to handle it. 

In this lesson you will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned! That’s the only way to grasp the concept at hand.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. What are Exceptions?

  • The Exception class 
  • Types of exceptions and their hierarchy

2. Handling Exceptions

3. Raising (throwing) Exceptions

4. Best Practices

5. Creating Custom Exceptions

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[10/13] Java Foundations Certification: OOP Principles Mon, 29 Nov 2021 08:46:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! Learn the four pillars of the Object-Oriented Programming!
Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction and Polymorphism

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In the current lesson, you will learn the four pillars of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Svetlin Nakov will explain to you what are the four main OOP Principles. He talks about the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism. Later, you will learn how to compare different objects in Java using equals() and compareTo() methods. Make sure that you understand everything since this is one of the most important topics in the programming world!

You will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned!

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video.

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. Principles of OOP

  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism

2. Comparing Objects in Java

  • Using equals() and compareTo() methods
  • Defining equals() and compareTo() methods

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[9/13] Java Foundations Certification: Defining Classes Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we take a closer look at defining classes.

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In the current lesson, you will learn the foundations of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Svetlin Nakov will go over the topics of defining simple classes, conventions, and best practices in doing so, creating objects of these classes, object references, and what is the difference between an object and a class.

Later on in the lesson, you will become familiar with data fields and access modifiers, and of course – constructors, getters, and setters, which are the building blocks of every class. By the end of the lesson, you will also have a good understanding of the term static, which you’ve surely encountered multiple times so far.

You will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned!

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video. 

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. Defining Simple Classes

  • Creating objects
  • Using classes

2. Fields

  • Class data
  • Access modifiers

3. Methods

  • Getters
  • Setters
  • ToString()

4. Constructors

  • The keyword this

5. Static Members

  • Static methods and fields

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[8/13] Java Foundations Certification: Objects and Classes Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we dive deep into objects and classes in Java!

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The current lesson provides a great overview of objects and classes if you are a beginner on the topic. With it, you will make your first steps in the world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), which is one of the most widely-used programming paradigms in modern programming.

By the end of the lesson, you will be familiar with the objects and classes work and their purpose. You will also know the different parts of a class methods, constructors, getters and setters, fields, etc.

You will find many helpful examples and exercises, so make sure to practice what you’ve learned!

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video.


*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

1. Objects

2. Classes

3. Built-In Classes

4. Defining Simple Classes

  • Fields
  • Constructors
  • Methods

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[7/13] Java Foundations Certification: Maps, Lambda and Stream API Tue, 16 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we take a look at maps, lambda and stream API.

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In this video we go in depth explaining maps, lambda and the stream API. All of these three topics are extremely important for every beginner programmer to learn as they are part of the pillars of programming, just like the rest of the topics in the current course. 

By the end of the lesson, you will be familiar with three different types of maps in Java – the HashMap, the LinkedHashMap and the TreeMap. All have their special traits and serve a specific purpose, which George explains very well. 

Then you will dive deep into lambda expressions and see how important they are when we are doing certain operations with maps. 

Finally, George will touch up on another important topic when it comes to mapsthe Stream API, which provides many methods for easy querying of a collection. 

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video.

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

Associative Arrays (Maps)

  • HashMap <key, value>
  • LinkedHashMap <key, value>
  • TreeMap <key, value>

Lambda Expressions

Java Stream API

  • Filtering
  • Mapping
  • Ordering

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[6/13] Java Foundations Certification: Strings and Text Processing Thu, 11 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Learn about strings and text processing in Java, how to read and print strings, how to search in a string, how to extract a substring, how to remove a substring and how to build a string.

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In this lesson introduces strings and provides an in-depth explanation of text processing in Java. It includes several very important topics surrounding strings – the StringBuilder class, concatenation and why it’s a slow operation, the methods concat(), indexOf(), contains(), split(), replace(), and many more. 

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of each problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video. 

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this article.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:

What is a String?

  • Overview
  • Reading and printing strings
  • Converting a String from and to a char array

Manipulating Strings

  • concat()
  • String.join()
  • substring()
  • indexOf(), lastIndexOf()
  • contains()
  • split()
  • repllace()

Building and Modifying Strings

  • Using the StringBuilder class
  • Why concatenation is a slow operation?

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[5/13] Java Foundations Certification: Lists Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we take a look at lists and their application!

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By now you’ve learned all about arrays, but did you know there are more data structures in programming? Lists are one of the most popular data structures in programming, as they allow for flexibility. Unline arrays, their length is not fixed and you can insert and delete elements at any point! Cool, right?

As always, we advise you to pause the video right before the solving part of a problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video. 

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:


  • Overview
  • Usage

List Manipulation

  • Add, Insert, Remove, Clear

Reading and Printing Lists

Sorting Lists and Arrays

  • sort(), reverse()

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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[4/13] Java Foundations Certification: Methods Sat, 06 Nov 2021 11:06:00 +0000 Build a strong foundation of knowledge in Java programming! In this lesson we take a look at Methods and why they are one of the most important concept in the programming world!

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In this free Java Foundations video, we will review another very important paradigm in the programming universe – Methods. We will find a few ways in which will make our code more organized and readable. Also, we are going to learn how to extend the functionality of our code.

Each of these topics is explained with many real-life examples and hands-on exercises. As always, we advise you to pause the video right before solving part of a problem and try to do the exercises on your own first. Then, if you have difficulties, just watch the provided solutions in the video. 

*The exercise descriptions are to be found in the PDF document at the end of this post.

Lesson Topics

This video covers the following topics:


  • What is a Method?
  • Naming and Best Practices

Declaring and Invoking Methods

  • Void and Return type Methods

Methods with Parameters

  • Overview, Examples

Value vs Reference Types

  • What is the difference?

Overloading Methods

  • Example and Definition

Program Execution Flow

Practical Exercises

Watch the video and solve the problemsTo better understand the material, do the coding exercises and implement the knowledge you acquired. Writing code is the only way to master the skill of code.

Submit your code in the SoftUni Judge System:

Exercises: Problem Description

Lesson Slides

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