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Let us introduce you to Lyubomir Tulev. He is a cybercrime expert who has been working internationally for more than 10 years on cybercrime investigations in countries like New Zealand, Russia and many others across Europe. In 2015 he was recognized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as one of the top 10 international cybercrime experts. He is in the private sector now and his work involves penetration testing, social engineering, consultancy and cyber forensics. He is also a trainer for Information Security Management course at SoftUni. Lyubomir shared more about his professional motivation as well as practical tips that will help you protect yourself and your devices from cyber attacks.

Helping And Protecting People Has Always Been His Driving Force

“The fact that I have been involved in the police structure for seven years means that I have been first inspired to help and protect people.”

After 7 years on the force, he decided move to the private sector in search of career growth. The inspiration behind this move was a friend. Lyubomir still helps people but his main focus is on companies in need of strengthening their cyber security.

Basic Measures Against Cyber Attacks


“The Coronavirus pandemic has spread across the globe and the one positive thing about this is the opportunity to rediscover the methods of transformation of our digital lives. On the other side, it possesses many obstacles coming from the hackers.”, says Lyubomir.

He explains that now, when people are spending more time at their homes working remotely, hackers are more likely to attack their devices and business. In order to protect from potential cyber attacks, people have to take basic measures like:

  • Securing the Wi-Fi connection and monitoring the connected devices;
  • Using VPN to access business infrastructure;
  • Securing the endpoint device – laptops, tablets, mobile phones;
  • Being aware of phishing emails and other possible cyber attacks.

“In cyber security, there is a saying that the employees are actually the weakest possible link in the security chain within an organization. I don’t really think so. My idea is that we have to look at the emloyees as a firewall.”, says Lyubomir

According to him, raising awareness among employees about cyber security is important for business because if they are well educated on the topic, they can become a ‘human firewall‘ that protects the company from within.

How To Recognize A Phishing Email

“Usually, the phishing emails are giving a sense of urgency. This is because hackers do not want you to have enough time to think about it carefully.”

He explains that there are three types of phishing emails depending on their content:

  • With attachments;
  • With a phish link;
  • With a text that requires you to send valuable information.

“Usually, the phishing emails are giving a sense of urgency. This is because hackers do not want you to have enough time to think about it carefully.”

He explains that there are three types of phishing emails depending on their content:

  • With attachments;
  • With a phish link;
  • With a text that requires you to send valuable information.

If you receive an email with an attachment, Tulev advises to download it, check it with some publicly available software for virus scanning, and then finally open it.

If there is a link that you are instructed to follow, do not click on it, instead hover the mouse over it. In the bottom left corner of the browser you will see the address this link will take you, and compare if the destination matches the one stated in the email.

The last possible scenario is receiving a malicious email with just text. In this case, open the email header and check – if you reply, does it go back to the same address it says it came from? If there is a third party listed there, this email is probably phishing.

Common Types Of Cyber Attacks

“If we are talking about businesses, the most common cyber attack is the ransomware. It is vast majority of cases that we are dealing with.”, shares Lyubomir.

The ransomware encrypts all available files on the attacked device. The hacker then wants a certain amount of money to decrypt the files. However, there is no guarantee that they will do it after you pay the ransom. This is why having a backup stored remotely is so important.


He adds that, “Other cyber attacks that happen to businesses and people are usually related to their credentials. Be very careful with your passwords. They are an object of many types of attacks like credential harvesting, password spraying, and brute forcing.

We, as cyber security professionals, always have to think about three elements of the information: confidentiality, integrity, availability.”

Lyubomir further explains what this means:

  • Confidentiality – to protect the data at any stage, make a remote backup, and set up access control;
  • Integrity – to not let a hacker modify the information and to protect the backend to avoid SQL injections;
  • Availability – to make sure the data is available when needed and use cloud storage.

To Be Aware Is To Be Protected

Lyubomir stresses: “Be aware what the attackers may use in order to take advantage of you. Train your people and yourself on what attack vectors are and how to recognize them in order to protect yourselves better.”

He adds that there are more examples of social engineering attack vectors like USB flash drives, smishing (SMS), and vishing (voice-using frauds).

How To Become A Cybersecurity Expert

Lyubomir has some advice for everyone interested in becoming a cybersecurity specialist: “When you put a lot of effort to improve yourself in one specific field of cyber security, you will become an expert only in this field, not in the cyber security generally. If you want to become an expert on cyber security you have to put a lot of effort in different fields like cyber forensics, penetration testing and consultancy.”.

“Businesses are now thinking more and more about digitalizing. This means that they will need the consultancy of cyber security experts. So, yes, I definitely foresee that the demand of cyber securty professionals will grow in the next couple of years.”, says Lyubomir.

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How to Become Google Expert Developer? [Dev Talks #3] Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:10:31 +0000 Say hello to Iliya Idakiev. He will take you into the world of Google Developer Experts

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Meet Iliya Idakiev. He is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Angular and Web Technologies and he has been working with JavaScript for over 7 years. He teaches at Sofia University and has been running his own company (Hillgrand) for almost 5 years where he develops various web applications. He likes to organize and participate in JavaScript events and he and his team have a YouTube channel (commitjs). 

Today he is here to answer some questions you probably have about the process of becoming a GDE.

What inspired you to become a developer?

“My experience began at University. My major was Informatics. I was studying C++ and also working with .NET and C#. Then I decided to learn JavaScript. Shortly after that, I started teaching JavaScript and opened my own company.”

How did you become a Google Developer Expert?

“To be a Google Developer Expert means to be recognized by Google for the things that you do for certain technologies. I wanted for a long time to become a Google Angular Expert. I was organizing events and a lot of courses. I started to go to conferences and I met with a lot of people who were already Google Developer Experts. So one day I decided to go on several interviews and everything went pretty smooth.”

What is the process of becoming a Google Developer Expert?

“First, you have to be recommended by another Google Developer Expert and you must send all the background that you have (open-source projects, events, courses, etc.). You need to contribute to the community. The person from Google will check your background and you will have 2 or 3 interviews (personal and technical). Among all the benefits of becoming a Google Developer Expert, the biggest one for me is that you get recognized by Google and people look at you differently.”

What is your experience with contributing to open-source projects?

“When you are working on some application and you are using some modules, at a certain point you will start to discover issues with these modules or new features that can be added. If you have time, you can fix these issues or add new features and make a pull request. This is a way to become a contributor.

Another way is to open-source the useful libraries that you developed in your projects.”

How do you relax?

“I like walking and traveling to peaceful and beautiful places. I was a DJ before and still do it from time to time.”

What are the projects that you are working on?

“I mostly do private JavaScript-related training. I like live coding, which is much more interesting and effective for the students. One of the biggest projects we developed is the Front-End of a customer portal for monitoring and controlling off-grid and hybrid power systems. It was very challenging, and I am proud of this project.”

When do you realize that you are successful?

“This is other people’s decision, not mine. But I can say that I succeed when I accomplish my goals.”

What tips for success would you give?

“I think that everyone should find what he/ she is happy and enthusiastic about and try to become the best in it. Do not focus on the money/ salary, but focus on becoming better in what you do. Dedicate yourself and do not give up. This will make you successful.”

How did you manage to stay motivated?

“Going to meet-ups and knowledge sharing is very good and useful. This will keep you awake and inspired.”

What advice will you give to young people who study at University?

“The University is a place where you can learn something that is going to be like a base for your life ahead. My advice is to start teaching other people as soon as you can because this will make you better in your field. Be a part of the community that is doing what you are doing and try to solve other people’s problems (for example, on Stack Overflow). Sharing knowledge is amazing!”

Do you have a favorite book on programming?

“I would recommend books like “Clean Code”,Clean Architecture”, and “Enterprise System Architecture”. It is wise to invest time in something useful for your field. Also, GitHub is the best “book” that I would recommend.”

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

“My goals are to develop my company and give my team a better working environment. I see myself still teaching other people and contributing to the community.”

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What is a Database System (DBMS)? [Dev Concepts #36] Thu, 26 May 2022 06:00:00 +0000 In this lesson, we explain the concept of databases and typical CRUD operations. We will also take a look at relational and NoSQL databases.

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database is a collection of data that is organized so that it can be easily accessedmanaged, and updated.

  • Usually, you need to store data that will be accessible even after you end the program execution.
  • One way to do that is by using a text file, but this is not scalable and does not provide any structure.

database-with-serverDatabases hold and manage data in the back-end systems. Almost all modern software systems use a database in some form. The data in database systems is organized in tables, collections, key-value pairs or other structures. The software, which managesretrieves and manipulates data in a database, is called Database Management System(DBMS).

Relational and Non-Relational Model

In this section, we will explain the difference between these two database models:

  • The relational model is based on tables and relationships.
  • The non-relational model is based on collections of documents.

The structure of relational databases is strict, while the non-relational is not so strict. SQL databases regulate the input data, what their format is, how different types of data are connected, etc. RDBMS systems manage relational databases and expose a universal interface for developers: the SQL language. Relational databases organize data in tables, which hold data rows, and each row holds columns.


Non-Relational databases have a dynamic schema. A schema is the structure of the database, which describes all its objects (tables, collections, views, and others) and their structures. The data stored in NoSQL databases are not strictly structured. Sometimes these databases are called “schema-free databases“. Properties of an entity (the columns in the SQL database) can be added dynamically. NoSQL databases can be based on several data models (several ways to structure data).

Define, Manipulate, Retrieve and Manage Data with DBMS

Database Management System (DBMS) is a server software, which takes data queries of manipulation commands from the clients, execute the commands in the database, and returns the results to the clients.


While a database could be just a collection of data files, the DBMS is what makes it so powerful with its structure, algorithms, optimizations, and APIs. For comparison, in a text file, you will be able to save whatever information you like, while in a database, managed by a DBMS, you can set rules on the incoming data. DBMS systems implement a programming API or specialized language, such as SQL, to manage data.

To do so, first, we create a query (or command) through the client that is passed to the engine through its API. The engine processes the query and accesses the data files. Then, the database storage returns the desired data from the data files to the engine. Finally, the engine processes the returned data and passes it to the client for visualizing in a human-readable format.

Databases are very powerful in keeping collections of entities. The relational model is based on tables and relationships, and the non-relational model is based on collections of documents. Database systems are an important component of most modern software systems, and therefore software engineers must have at least basic database skills

Lesson Topics

In this tutorial, we cover the following topics:
  • Databases Introduction

  • SQL vs NoSQL Databases

  • DBMS Systems

Lesson Slides

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Databases, MySQL and MongoDB [Dev Concepts #35] Mon, 09 May 2022 06:00:00 +0000 In this lesson, we explain the concept of databases in software development, the role of relational databases and the SQL language, and the NoSQL databases in modern software engineering.

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We will start with the concept of data storage, the need of database systems and the difference between relational and non-relational databases. You will become familiar with the concept of Database Management Systems (DBMS), such as MySQL, MongoDB and Redis.

What is more, you will learn about the relational database model, the SQL language and some of its basic commands for data query and manipulation. In the end, we will explain the NoSQL databases (which hold collections of documents) and how to query and manipulate a document-based NoSQL database.

In the end, we will show you a live demo of how to work with MongoDB and Robo 3T. From the demo, you will learn:

  • how to create a database and a collection of documents
  • how to insert a document
  • how to edit, delete and query documents


A database is a collection of data that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. Database Management System (DBMS) usually manages a database. DBMS systems are also called “databases servers“, because they manage data and serve developers through an API, using the “client-server” model of communication.

Databases implement the classical CRUD operations. CRUD is an abbreviation with each letter standing for a single operation.

Those are the basic operations you will be performing on a database:

  • C – Create (or add or insert) new data.
  • R – Read (or retrieve or query) data.
  • U – Update existing data.
  • D – Delete existing data.

Relational and NoSQL Databases


Relational databases organize data in tables and data rows. For example, an e-commerce software could have a table holding the products. Each table row could hold product idproduct namedescriptionsupplier, and price. In relational databases, the SQL language is used to query and modify data.

NoSQL databases hold collections of documents or key-value pairs. Document databases (like MongoDB) manage collections of documents (such as products or vendors). These key-value pair structures are also known as “dictionaries“. They support a fast “search by key” operation. Key-value data storage systems are good for organizing simple data.

From Data Storage to Databases

Databases give you the possibility to keep different data about the same thing in columns or properties. Multiple data objects of the same type can be stored in a table or collection. Such data objects are also called “entities“.


In the image above, we have several entities like products, customers, and orders. Each entity would have several data characteristics, which can be stored in data columns or object properties. This way the data has “structure“. It is organized consistently and in a manageable way. Each row holds a single entity (in this example – an order). As you may have guessed, this is much more optimized than keeping physically thousands of receipts (on paper or in text files).

Why Do We Need Databases?

There are far more reasons to use a database rather than physical storage. Data storage is not the primary reason to use a database system.

As we said earlier, imagine having thousands of receipts. It would be quite impractical to search these receipts unless they are carefully structured and ordered. That is easily solved with a database as it is stored on your computer, or even on a cloud service. Database tables and collections can be indexed, and this allows searching millions of documents in milliseconds.

Database systems are an important component of most modern software systems, and therefore software engineers must have at least basic database skills. They are very powerful in keeping collections of entities and implement efficiently the CRUD operations, queries, searching, and many more.

Lesson Topics

In this tutorial, we cover the following topics:
  • Database Intro

  • SQL vs NoSQL Databases

  • DBMS Systems

  • Relational Databases and SQL

  • NoSQL and MongoDB

Lesson Slides

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